A downloadable wad

It's 5 A.M., cloudy and threatening to rain as you drive down the desert highway, your ancient, beloved truck's engine furious about how long it's been driven. You aren't looking forward to going back to work after a time away from the big city, but this might just give you an excuse to put it off.

And then with a final wail and muffled thud, it gives up, and streaks of flame flash through the gaps in the hood. You didn't know it was even possible for an engine to fail like that. Extended vacation it is, then. You debate how long of a walk it might be to find the nearest payphone so you don't get fired, as your truck slowly rolls to a stop.

... In front of a large structure. Hm. Maybe they have a phone?

You climb out of the truck, but pause. There's a tingle in the air, and you feel like you're being watched. If the corps taught you anything, it was to never, ever, ignore that feeling...

At the edge of perception, you swear you hear a distant, howling scream. You can smell cooked meat and ozone. Something's not right.

You turn back and take your sidearm and a few magazines out of the glovebox. Just in case.



Squenched Avacausage is some sort of Doom project I've been working on since the end of 2021. It is a quest through the strange and unsettling world of SquenchCon International Food-Similar Products Ltd. and its many (evil) subsidiaries.

Its levels generally focus on rather close quarters combat and are around 10-20 minutes in length, except for the first, which is closer to 25. I have tried to think outside the box a bit with mechanics and design as well as architecture in particular. I guess I set out to try and make something new and different and experimental, at least to the extent that's possible with a game with such a heritage. Above all though - fun.

I would describe the difficulty as ranging from"moderate" to "evil". I kind of built it at just a little bit above my own skill ceiling, such as it is.

The current Bite 1 version contains 13 maps, of which three are shorter intermission + slight puzzle sequences.

Special thanks to my test subjects for putting up with my cruel design choices (it's for the greater good)

For asset and soundtrack credits and other details, please refer to the readme file.

Notes on engine compatibility:

This WAD has been designed to be run with Boom-compatible source ports. I have tested it with DSDA-Doom v0.27.5 for "ground truth" compatibility, and with GZDoom g4.11.3 for casual play. In the latter case with both the "Boom" and "Boom(strict)" settings. Default compatibility works acceptably, but its default setting to have projectiles blocked by scenery items can cause problems in some areas.

Also, the levels were designed with having jumping, crouching, and vertical aiming disabled, along with classic doom style light levels.

There's presently no difficulty scaling - all settings are equivalent to UV difficulty right now. I really want to get this added eventually though!!

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
TagsDoom, doom-2, DOOM WAD, level-pack
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LinksDoomworld thread


BITE 1a 3.5 MB

Install instructions

Extract the wad file and load as you would any other for whatever Doom source port you choose to play it on. Compatible with any source port that supports the Boom feature set. Requires doom2.wad for an IWAD.

Development log


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(1 edit) (+3)

I think it became one of my favorite WAD...